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US Bitcoin Mining Venture Raises $14M for All-Renewable Energy Mining -

Jun 1, 2021
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US Bitcoin Mining Venture Raises $14M for All-Renewable Energy Mining -

Established in late summer of last year, Gryphon raised the undisclosed round to fund a 100% renewables mining venture. The company is coming out of stealth at a time when public scrutiny of bitcoin mining and its perceived rampant energy appetite is burning hotter than ever.

“Some other companies in the industry right now use renewables, but no other company is committed to 100% renewable energy. We’re excited about that, especially considering the backlash the industry has received lately,” Gryphon Chair Brittany Kaiser said to CoinDesk.

“We have committed to not using [fossil fuels] going forward, so anything we use will be either hydro, nuclear, solar or wind. I believe we’re the first bitcoin mining company [to do so],” echoed CEO and co-founder Rob Chang.

Read the full article here.

Interested in learning more?

Download a copy of our investor presentation to learn more about Gryphon Digital Mining and our plans for the future of sustainable Bitcoin mining.