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Interview with Robby Chang, President of Gryphon Digital Mining

Jun 27, 2024
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Interview with Robby Chang, President of Gryphon Digital Mining

TheCryptoVines CEOs Forum 1.0 : Interview with Rob Chang, President of Gryphon Digital Mining

TheCryptovines: Can you provide us with an overview of Gryphon Digital Mining and its mission in the cryptocurrency mining industry?

Rob Chang: Gryphon is on a mission to set a new standard in the mining sector. We’ve brought together a powerhouse team of former C-suite execs from industry giants like Riot and Marathon, because we’re not just about chasing growth. We’re here to build a sustainable, blue-chip Bitcoin mining operation that emphasizes smart cash flows and strategic payback periods.

But it’s not just about the financials for us; we’re deeply committed to environmental responsibility. Proudly, we operate on 100% renewable energy, sourced directly from clean hydropower – it’s a cornerstone of how we do business. And we take our commitment to the planet one step further by being carbon-negative, thanks to our investment in carbon offset credits for all our scope 3 emissions, covering everything from travel to the delivery of our machines.

TCV: What sets Gryphon Digital Mining apart from other players in the cryptocurrency mining sector?

R.C: Execution. In just three years, our firm has carved out a leading position in the Bitcoin mining sector, boasting the top spot in efficiency for nearly two-thirds of that time. Our operations, marked by a relentless focus on innovation and cost management, have never dipped into the red, even in the notoriously unpredictable market. Our break-even point is set at approximately $18,200 per Bitcoin, one of the lowest in the space.

But our ambitions go beyond financial metrics. We’ve taken the lead on environmental transparency, releasing an in-depth report on our carbon emissions. This isn’t just about adhering to the growing demand for sustainability; we’re setting new standards for the sector, prioritizing clean energy use and challenging our peers to follow suit. Our initiative reflects a deeper conviction that the future of Bitcoin mining must be environmentally conscious to be sustainable in the long term.

TCV: Sustainability is a growing concern in the cryptocurrency industry. How does Gryphon Digital Mining address environmental sustainability in its operations?

R.C: We’ve positioned ourselves uniquely by utilizing 100% renewable power within an economic opportunity zone in upstate New York.

Despite our direct and indirect emissions being minimal, we’ve gone a step further to ensure our environmental impact is as positive as possible. We own a surplus of carbon offset credits, which, interestingly, we don’t even need for our primary operations. Instead, we use them to offset Scope 3 emissions, covering aspects like travel and the supply chain. This move is somewhat pioneering in our sector and speaks volumes about our dedication not just to offsetting our environmental footprint, but to setting a precedent in the industry for comprehensive environmental responsibility.

TCV: Cryptocurrency markets are known for their volatility. How does Gryphon Digital Mining manage risks associated with market fluctuations?

R.C: We prioritize financial stability and risk mitigation. Our strategy focuses on cash flows and short payback periods, similar to the perspective of an equity investor. We emphasize return on capital, evaluating each investment and operational decision to ensure it aligns with our risk management framework.

During the recent growth cycle, we consciously chose not to pursue aggressive expansion through debt, unlike some of our peers. This decision was informed by the recognition that leveraging large amounts of debt could expose us to significant risk, especially during downturns when cryptocurrency values – and consequently, revenues – can sharply decline.

Our approach has proven effective. It has allowed us to maintain operational stability and avoid the financial distress faced by others who were over-leveraged.

TCV: As the CEO, what do you see as the biggest opportunities and challenges for Gryphon Digital Mining in the near future?

R.C: The biggest challenge we’re facing is the lack of public knowledge about our company and our track record of outperforming in the industry. This lack of visibility is impacting our valuation and, by extension, our capacity for growth. To counter this, we’re intensively focusing on elevating our presence and sharing our story with the public.

Simultaneously, regulation poses another substantial challenge. The regulatory landscape directly impacts our operations and the broader Bitcoin ecosystem. Working alongside policymakers is essential for us. We’re not just looking to comply with these regulations; we want to actively contribute to shaping them. The right kind of legislation can act as supportive guardrails, fostering an environment that encourages growth and innovation rather than hindering it. It’s about finding that balance that allows us to thrive while ensuring the stability and security of the market.

TCV: How does Gryphon Digital Mining prepare for the impact of a crypto halving event on mining rewards and profitability?

R.C: Preparing for a crypto halving event is all about leaning into our core strengths. Our focus has always been on maximizing Bitcoin efficiency. This is the most critical metric in our industry, and we’re proud to say we’ve led on this front for the majority of our operational history.

Our strategy also hinges on being one of the lowest-cost Bitcoin producers. When a halving event cuts rewards in half, it’s the high-cost producers who feel the squeeze and may have to shut down. Those of us with streamlined operations and lower costs are not just prepared to survive but positioned to thrive. We’ve built Gryphon with the foresight of these market cycles in mind, aiming for resilience through any challenge the crypto market throws our way.

Really, when it comes to halving, the question isn’t how we’ll adapt; it’s why anyone would enter this space without a plan for such a predictable event. We don’t see halving as a crisis to manage but as an anticipated phase of the crypto economy, we’re already prepared for.

TCV: Finally, what do you envision for the future of Gryphon Digital Mining, and how do you plan to achieve those goals?

R.C: With our recent transition to becoming a public company, having merged onto the Nasdaq on February 9, 2024, Gryphon Digital Mining is entering a new phase of growth. Our strategy is twofold. First, we’re setting our sights on the acquisition of private mining operations. This approach allows us to rapidly scale our capabilities and integrate valuable assets into our ecosystem.

As we move forward, organic growth will also play a major role. This means investing in new mining equipment and expanding our facilities to ensure we continue to enhance our operational efficiency and production capacity. The timing for these investments will be key – we’re committed to seizing the right opportunities as they arise.

Interested in learning more?

Download a copy of our investor presentation to learn more about Gryphon Digital Mining and our plans for the future of sustainable Bitcoin mining.