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How to Build a Crypto Mining Rig: A Step-By-Step Guide

Jul 10, 2021
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How to Build a Crypto Mining Rig: A Step-By-Step Guide

The number of crypto miners continues to grow by the day, with major institutions and at-home DIYers getting in on the action.

If you’re curious about getting your own small operation off the ground, you’re going to need the right tools for the job. A well-constructed mining rig can earn you cryptocurrency and contribute to the development of blockchain technology – what are you waiting for?

In this guide, we’re taking you step by step so that you can build and optimize the best mining setup for your needs and budget. From there, you’ll be able to mine your crypto of choice, turn some profits, and have some fun. Let’s get into it.

Why You Should Build a Mining Rig

There is an endless number of pre-made mining rigs and high-powered gaming computers available online, and they all claim to be at the top of the heap in terms of crypto mining performance.

While these machines can do the job perfectly well, we suggest building a mining rig of your own for the following three reasons.


We’re all here to make profits on crypto, and every dollar you spend on your rig is part of the total upfront investment – it’s best to keep costs low and max out results.

With that said, it’s almost always more cost-effective to construct a rig of your own by purchasing individual components and assembling them into a cohesive unit.

If you want to see just how much you can save, research a top-of-the-line, pre-built rig from a major manufacturer, and make a list of all the key specifications.

Then, go down that list and find the price of each component online. When added up, you’ll see a significant difference. Subtract a few bells and whistles (visual flourishes, etc), and you’ll save even more money while getting the same performance, if not better.


How do you want your rig to perform? What do you want it to look like? What are your targets for revenues and profits? These are the key questions when browsing mining rigs, so you might as well build your own with complete customization.

There is always something missing when you shop online for readymade rigs, or the manufacturer adds too many unnecessary features.

Customize your rig and get exactly what you need – nothing more, nothing less.


When your rig is complete and you fire up your crypto mining applications for the first time, you’ll have a much better understanding of the factors at play and how they impact performance and results.

Furthermore, you’ll have more control over variables that can lead to performance increases, and the reduction of risks that can interfere with your mining strategy.

When you know exactly what’s in your system, it’s easier to troubleshoot, reconstruct, or upgrade your rig over time. As crypto mining becomes more expansive and varied, you’ll want this extra degree of control over your own machine.

Components and Construction

Now that you know why it’s the smart move to build a custom mining rig, let’s talk about components and how to bring this marvelous machine to life.

When shopping for components, be sure to read reviews and make sure you’re getting the exact specifications you need – no guesswork or estimates here.

Bear in mind that when it comes to computer parts, there is doesn’t tend to be a massive difference between the overall quality of top brands. Just stick to the best-sellers and you’ll be fine. Remember to shop around and look for deals, because every dollar counts!


This is the piece of hardware that brings all the other components together to create a cohesive unit, and you can’t run a rig without it.

When shopping for a motherboard for your machine, be sure to go for a mining-specific one that can have at least a dozen GPUs attached at once. Most motherboards do not have this feature, so don’t sabotage your plans by selecting the wrong one.

Manufacturers will have specific recommendations for how to configure your graphics cards and other components with their motherboards, so pay attention – you don’t want to end up replacing these pricey units. Treat them well and they’ll last a while.

Power Supply

While many ESG mining innovators are on the fast track to renewable energy Bitcoin mining, you will still have to plug your rig into the wall, the old-fashioned way, for now.

The average PSU is not that expensive, you might need to upgrade your unit for more juice or add more to your rig if you have many graphics cards to power.

When calculating your power needs, be sure to read the specifications of all your components and be on the safe side when buying a PSU or two. On the other hand, don’t waste energy by using too much power you don’t need.

Graphics Cards

The GPU is the true engine of your mining rig, and the components that will cost the most money as a result. You won’t be running games or complex graphics on this rig, so prioritize efficiency over pure performance when shopping around.

With that in mind, many crypto experts suggest you use several graphics cards concurrently to power your rig, since this is more efficient than pooling your resources into one, super expensive unit.

Using multiple cards also allows you to monitor performance issues and make minor gains that add up to big results. Consider buying two $500 cards instead of one for $1000.


These days, the CPU isn’t very active in the mining process, and is therefore not that important of a component. However, you’ll still need a CPU to get your rig up and running, so go for a midrange product with four cores priced at around $130.


Once again, RAM doesn’t equate to better mining performance, so there’s no need to go overboard here. You can find 16GB of RAM – more than enough – for around $60.

Cases, Racks, Accessories

When you’ve got all your components in order, you’ll need some structure or case to contain everything and keep it orderly. Plugging in the pieces themselves isn’t necessarily that hard, and can be accomplished with a few quick tutorials.

However, the structure of your final setup will depend on how much hardware you have, the space available to you, access to power, and other factors.

If you’re a first-time builder, stick with a standard desktop computer case, but anyone building larger rigs might want to use a dedicated mining rack that allows you to maneuver and monitor your components more easily.

Remember that your rig will need to stay cool, be free of dust and irritants, and must be maintained with care. Treat this rig like the investment it is, and take its performance to the max.

Powering the Rigs of the Future

When your rig is up and running, you’ll find that mining energy costs are fairly steep and make a major impact on your profits, even after your rig has paid for itself.

That’s why every crypto miner should keep an eye on the next generation of mining technologies powered by renewable energy and eco-friendly sources. This is the smart path forward not only for the environment, but for profits as well.

For now, follow these tips and build the best mining rig for your budget, because it’s only the beginning.


How to Build a Mining Rig | BitDegree

Building a Cryptocurrency Mining Rig | Newegg

Bitcoin Mining 101 | ZD Net

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