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Beginner’s Guide to Mining Bitcoins: How to Mine Bitcoin

Aug 1, 2021
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Beginner’s Guide to Mining Bitcoins: How to Mine Bitcoin

It took less than a decade for Bitcoin to go from the fringes of the internet to mainstream discussions in the world of finance and technology.

Now everyone is wondering how they can get Bitcoin these days. That was fast!

While many investors choose to trade Bitcoin like any other asset class, we prefer to mine our Bitcoin right from the blockchain! If you’re a complete beginner, here’s what you need to know to get started, along with some pro tips to fortify your profits.

Types of Bitcoin Mining – What’s the Best?

There’s no single perfect way to mine Bitcoin. Your method will depend on your preferences, resources, strategies, and willingness to learn and apply new technologies.

Here are the top three ways to mine Bitcoin right now, with pros and cons for each.

Cloud Mining

Cloud mining methods have been amplified by investments from major institutions, international businesses, and even governments. It’s a great way to keep risk low and ensure a steady, reliable flow of Bitcoin over longer timeframes.

The idea is the same as outsourcing IT services like web hosting, database management, or any other tech requirements you might have on a personal or organizational level.

In other words, you let crypto mining pros handle all the heavy lifting and computing power while you sit back and rake in the profits!

There are downsides, of course. You can expect to pay some pretty substantial fees for cloud mining services, and you don’t have as much visibility into the processes behind the scenes.

Collective Mining with Mining Pools

In the wild-west world of crypto, a bit of teamwork goes a long way, especially if you’re a newcomer to mining. Crypto mining pools are a great way to coordinate with others in an established network of nodes to maximize your chances of profits.

Now that Bitcoin is being mined 24/7 by millions of units worldwide, you’ll want to join a reliable and trustworthy mining pool if you’re running an individual operation. Otherwise, it’s simply not worth the effort.

Solo Mining

If your goal is to mine newer cryptocurrencies and get ahead of the competition, we recommend solo mining for its agility and customization.

As we said, the solo approach is not well-suited for Bitcoin mining, given the steep competition worldwide. Still, solo mining can prove profitable if you’re willing to take on some risk.

You might just find yourself at a massive advantage in a few short years if you’re diligent about scouting and mining new altcoins. Fortune favors the bold!

Start Mining Bitcoin at Home: Your 5-Point Checklist

If you’re ready to get to work on your own Bitcoin mining setup, stay tuned. We’ve organized the five key steps to follow and start filling that wallet with digital gold.

1. Setup Your Rig

To mine Bitcoin in an effective, efficient way, you’ll need horsepower. In computer terms, that means a high-powered Graphics Processing Unit, also known as a GPU or video card.

You can set up a mining rig of your own for a reasonable price or buy an ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) unit to streamline and stabilize the process.

Be sure you have enough power to fuel your mining setup (don’t overload the outlets) and plenty of cool air flowing throughout the system to prevent overheating.

2. Download the Right Software

There is no shortage of simple yet powerful software to optimize your rig for mining. You’ll need this technology to watch key metrics like hash rate and ensure everything is working as it should.

NiceHash Miner is considered one of the better starter programs for Bitcoin mining, while Kryptex, Cudo, and BeMine are also great choices.

These are small files that can quickly be installed or deleted, so try a bunch and see which one you like best in terms of interface and user experience.

3. Prepare Your Wallet

What is the best Bitcoin wallet for beginners?

If you’re just getting started from scratch, we suggest opting for a free and easy-to-use wallet like Exodus or Mycelium if you’re a mobile user.

Regarding hardware wallets, the ongoing debate is between the Ledger Nano X and the Trezor Model T. Put in the research and learn to use a range of wallets because they are the future.

Remember, wallets are so crucial to security - try not to leave your precious coins on third-party exchanges if you can help it!

4. Join a Mining Pool

You’ll see Slush Pool mentioned everywhere you go in the crypto-sphere, and that’s because it’s the oldest mining pool that exists, with servers around the world.

Just be aware that this veteran pool does have somewhat steep fees, and there are more affordable ways to mine Bitcoin if you want to browse your options.

Slush Pool is a great place to begin, but once again, we encourage you to dive into different pools and experiment with your configuration to earn more coins potentially.

5. Start Your Engines

You’ve got what you need, so turn the key and put that rig to work! Check-in on your machine once in a while and maintain accordingly.

No need to constantly check in on your rig once you’ve set it up, but we understand the desire to watch the magic happen.

Bitcoin Mining Tips for Beginners

With the basics out of the way, here are some tips to make the most of your mining experience and better understand crypto as a whole.

Technology is Changing

Here’s the paradox about technology that applies to Bitcoin, blockchain, and the cryptocurrency space in general: things are changing faster than you can imagine, and adaptation is key to survival.

What we mean is that your so-called best practices may become obsolete in the blink of an eye.

Additionally, competitors are always looking for a new angle to maximize profits – so should you!

Whether it’s energy-efficient Bitcoin mining or another cost-saving concept, you need to be resourceful and think several steps ahead when it comes to crypto.

Be Smart About Trading

We know that trading Bitcoin and crypto is a wild roller-coaster ride full of highs, lows, and plenty of frustration.

That’s why we urge you to take a long-term, big-picture approach to crypto and try to detach yourself from the emotions of the daily charts as much as possible.

With a focus on accumulation through mining and other smart, consistent practices, you’ll have the highest chance of enjoying substantial profits over the years to come.

  • Stick with a few main coins and learn them well
  • Use expert trading strategies and bots to reduce stress and uncertainty
  • Master all the functions of your trading platform
  • Forgive yourself for taking losses or missing opportunities

We’ve all seen how quickly things can turn for the better or worse in the crypto markets – keep focused on your long-range goals and stick to the fundamentals to maximize profits.

Never Stop Learning

We’ve given you a basic intro to Bitcoin mining, with just enough information to get you on the right track. However, to succeed in crypto or any venture you pursue, never-ending education is an absolute necessity!

Keep reading blogs, watching YouTube videos, taking courses, following influencers, and experimenting with your own crypto strategy from mining to trading and beyond.

Bitcoin Beginners – Jump Right In

The great Bitcoin gold rush is here. The best time to get started was 10 years ago, but the second-best time is now.

Use these tips to get your beginner rig up and running, or consider outsourcing your mining needs to a professional cloud service provider.

However you choose to accumulate Bitcoin, make sure you aren’t left empty-handed as Bitcoin changes the world for the better.


Bitcoin Mining Beginner’s Guide | MasterDC

What is Bitcoin Mining? | Investopedia

How to Mine Bitcoin | Cointelegraph

Interested in learning more?

Download a copy of our investor presentation to learn more about Gryphon Digital Mining and our plans for the future of sustainable Bitcoin mining.